1. Set of documents
This document is one of the specifications produced by the ResearcherPod and ErfgoedPod project:
Artefact Lifecycle Event Log (this document)
2. Introduction
In a decentralized network, an artefact can be shared between actors and processed by a multitude of services, each appending to the artefact’s lifecycle. For each artefact, a series of lifecycle events is therefore distributed over the network. This document introduces the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log, a data format and protocol for the recording and discovery of these events, in order to serve mostly applications related to network governance.An Artefact Lifecycle Event Log is an artefact-centric, append-only, public Web resource that exposes a series of lifecycle events. These events are recorded using a data vocabulary encoded in RDF to ensure network-wide interoperability. In practice, the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log will often be an [LDP] Resource implementation that is natively supported of a Solid Data Pod. It is important to note, however, that similar to [LDN], a Artefact Lifecycle Event Log is a specialized use of Linked Data Platform [LDP] and is not dependent on a complete implementation of LDP. It only requires a minimal subset that is easy to implement.
This document describes
a data vocabulary compatible with PROV-O and Activity Streams 2.0 for describing lifecycle event and log information;
the Web resource definition of a Artefact Lifecycle Event Log;
methods for discovering Artefact Lifecycle Event Logs;
the addition and retrieval process for Lifecycle Event information in the log.
3. Document Conventions
Within this document, the following namespace prefix bindings are used:
Prefix | Namespace |
as | https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams# |
daen | http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen# |
ldp | http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp# |
prov | http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# |
dcat | http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat# |
ldes | https://w3id.org/ldes# |
st | http://www.w3.org/ns/st# |
acl | http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl# |
hydra | http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core# |
4. Applications of the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
A Decentralized Artefact Exchange Network can support communities in the exchange of digital artefacts and services without the need of a central authority. Data about these exchanges is therefore distributed over every actor in the network. This intensifies an actor’s control over its data and severely reduces data duplication, but also makes it more difficult to get a clear picture about an artefact’s history. There is no longer a single go-to trusted authority that records and certifies who applied what services to an artefact and when. In a Decentralized Artefact Exchange Network, this information needs to be collected from different actors with varying levels of trust. The Artefact Lifecycle Event Log provides basic groundwork for publishing artefact lifecycles and thus supporting this collection process.
In short, an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log registers lifecycle events that the Decentralized Artefact Exchange Network instance desires to be to be publicly disclosed. This is determined by the nature of the network, the use cases it supports, and how lifecycle information is employed. Typically, a network instance requires these events to be common knowledge to guarantee its well-functioning. For instance, a food network might desire the publication of a completed health inspection process. It is therefore assumed that the dominant fraction of participating actors will experience sufficient incentive to host a Decentralized Artefact Exchange Network available to all actors in the network; and accurately record the selected lifecycle events. This pragmatic approach is needed because no decentralized design can force actors to comply, while maintaining truly scalable.
This document offers a minimal semantic data model to construct and publish artefact lifecycle events, which serves as a basis for technical interoperability, It is expected that a community that employs an instance of a Decentralized Artefact Exchange Network, extends this model with domain-specific event types that provide more meaning and understanding within the network instance. A community can also leverage lifecycle information as they see fit, resulting in one or more applications of the Artefact Lifecycle Event Logs. Some probable applications are given below:
4.1. Establishing trust in the integrity of an artefact
In some domains, an artefact’s value depends on its reconstructed lifecycle and whether this lifecycle can be trusted. For instance, in scholarly communication, a publication gains status after it has been certified by a certification service (eg. by a peer review process). Such lifecycle event should be registered in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Logs of both parties. When reconstructing the artefact’s lifecycle to assess its integrity, encountering such events in multiple places increases the trust.
4.2. Discovering entities on the network
A process that collects decentralized information needs a way to navigate the network and discover new artefacts. Given the potential size of the network, many data pods are still unknown when this process starts. Discovering unknown pods relies on existing links between actors and artefacts. Therefore, an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log can be used to find these links and serve as a routing mechanism. For instance, in a digital heritage network, a portal wants to discover relevant data stored in pods controlled by cultural heritage institutions. No knowing the location of these pods beforehand, the portal might consult the eventlog of a registry service hub first, to finds links to all datasets that were registered there.
5. Overview
A Artefact Lifecycle Event Log is a Web resource that is accessible by all actors inside a single network. When requested, it returns an ordered list of notable lifecycle events descriptions, each containing the what, who and when of the event. An actor can store new descriptions by updating this resource. The log maintains a chronological order; new events are appended to the end of the log. Hence, it MUST support producers appending events as described in § 8 Appending Lifecycle Events. It MAY also validate Lifecycle Events before they are added in accordance to § 11 Validating an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.An Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST be consumable for authorized actors in the network in accordance to § 9 Consuming an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. Its URL MUST be discoverable through one of the methods described in § 7 Discovering an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. Actors in the network MAY be authorized to read, append or change the permissions according to the authorization mechanism in § 10 Authorization. Lifecycle events MUST be described in the artefact lifecycle data vocabulary as defined in § 6 Vocabulary. An Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST be available in the [json-ld11] format, but it MAY support other data formats as well through content negotiation.
While not mandatory, each actor in the network is expected to host a Artefact Lifecycle Event Log per known artefact to allow effective network governance. As a result, a single Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST correspond to at least one artefact in the network, while an artefact MAY correspond to multiple Artefact Lifecycle Event Logs.

6. Vocabulary
An Artefact Lifecycle Event Log is described using a minimal data vocabulary, introducing a number of high level semantic types and properties. The Artefact Lifecycle Event Vocabulary can be used to construct an RDF 1.1 representation of the log and the lifecycle events it contains. The data vocabulary is fully compatible with PROV-O and the object types from Activity Streams 2.0. An overview is given in the figure below.
The examples in the document use a predefined compliant JSON-LD context compliant with the Artefact Lifecycle Event Vocabulary.
6.1. Types
The following table lists the Artefact Lifecycle Event Vocabulary types. These semantic types that distinguish the different resources and actors that are involved in an artefact’s lifecycle.
- Base URI:
- Preferred prefix:
- Classes:
daen:Artefact | daen:LifecycleEvent | daen:ArtefactLifecycleEventLog | daen:Maintainer | daen:ServiceHub
6.1.1. Type: daen:Artefact
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#Artefact
A Web resource and Artefact that is the object of interaction between actors and retains a lifecycle within the network.
{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen/context.jsonld" , "@id" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" , "@type" : [ "Artefact" , "prov:Entity" , "as:Document" ], "name" : "Publication about WOII" }
- Subclass of:
- Properties:
6.1.2. Type: daen:LifecycleEvent
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#LifecycleEvent
A Artefact Lifecycle Event that impacted the lifecycle of a certain Artefact and is of value to the well-functioning of the network. They often result from an actor performing a service pertaining to that Artefact.
{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen/context.jsonld" , "@id" : "https://example.org/eventlog#1" , "@type" : "LifecycleEvent" , "title" : "Artefact was registered." , "startedAtTime" : "2011-07-14T01:01:01Z" , "endedAtTime" : "2011-07-14T02:02:02Z" , "artefact" : { "@id" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" }, "executor" : { "@id" : "https://registar.org/" }, "generated" : { "@id" : "https://registar.org/registration/23813178" } }
- Subclass of:
- Properties:
6.1.3. Type: daen:ArtefactLifecycleEventLog
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#ArtefactLifecycleEventLog
A Web resource and Artefact Lifecycle Event Log that exposes an ordered collection of Artefact Lifecycle Events resources that pertain to certain Artefact.
{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen/context.jsonld" , "@id" : "https://example.org/eventlog" , "@type" : "ArtefactLifecycleEventLog" , "title" : "Artefact Lifecycle Event Log" , "isEventLogOf" : { "@id" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" , "@type" : [ "Artefact" , "prov:Entity" ], "name" : "Publication about WOII" }, "contains" : [ { "@id" : "https://example.org/eventlog#1" , "@type" : [ "LifecycleEvent, prov:Activity" ], "title" : "Artefact was registered." , "startedAtTime" : "2011-07-14T01:01:01Z" , "endedAtTime" : "2011-07-14T02:02:02Z" , "artefact" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" , "executor" : "https://registar.org/" , "generated" : "https://registar.org/registration/23813178" }, { "@id" : "https://example.org/eventlog#2" , "@type" : [ "LifecycleEvent, prov:Activity" ], "title" : "Artefact was certified." , "startedAtTime" : "2011-07-16T01:01:01Z" , "endedAtTime" : "2011-07-16T02:02:02Z" , "artefact" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" , "executor" : "https://certifier.org" }, { "@id" : "https://example.org/eventlog#3" , "@type" : [ "LifecycleEvent, prov:Activity" ], "title" : "Artefact was archived." , "startedAtTime" : "2011-07-17T01:01:01Z" , "endedAtTime" : "2011-07-17T02:02:02Z" , "artefact" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" , "executor" : "https://archive.org" } ] }
- Subclass of:
- Properties:
6.1.4. Type: daen:Maintainer
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#Maintainer
A Actor, Maintainer and Human Agent that participates on the network and generates activities pertaining to the lifecycle of an Artefact.
{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen/context.jsonld" , "@id" : "https://www.kb.nl#me" , "@type" : [ "Maintainer" , "as:Organization" ], "as:name" : { "@value" : "National Library" , "@language" : "en" } }
- Subclass of:
- Properties:
6.1.5. Type: daen:ServiceHub
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#ServiceHub
A Actor and Service Hub that performs services pertaining to the lifecycle of an Artefact.
{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen/context.jsonld" , "@id" : "http://registar.org" , "@type" : "ServiceHub" , "as:name" : { "@value" : "Registry service" , "@language" : "en" } }
- Subclass of:
- Properties:
6.2. Properties
The following table lists the Artefact Lifecycle Event Vocabulary properties. These describe the relationship between the different resources and actors that are involved in an artefact’s lifecycle.
- Base URI:
- Preferred prefix:
- Properties:
daen:eventLog | daen:isEventLogOf | daen:artefact | daen:maintainer | daen:executor
- External properties:
ldp:contains | prov:generated | prov:startedAtTime | prov:endedAtTime | dct:title | sec:signature | sec:creator
6.2.1. Property: daen:eventLog
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#eventLog
The Artefact Lifecycle Event Log that represents the lifecycle of an Artefact.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range:
6.2.2. Property: daen:isEventLogOf
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#isEventLogOf
The Artefact which lifecycle is represented by tArtefact Lifecycle Event Log of this .
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range:
6.2.3. Property: daen:artefact
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#artefact
The artefact whose lifecycle the Lifecycle Event belongs to.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range:
6.2.4. Property: daen:maintainer
remove this property because not needed (see signatures)?
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#maintainer
The Maintainer who maintains the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log resource.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range:
6.2.5. Property: daen:executor
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#executor
The Maintainer or Service Hub who executed the event.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range:
6.2.6. External properties Property: ldp:contains
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#contains
The Lifecycle Event that is contained by this Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range: Property: prov:generated
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#generated
A secondary Artefact that resulted from this Lifecycle Event.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range: Property: prov:startedAtTime
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#startedAtTime
The moment the Lifecycle Event started.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range: Property: prov:endedAtTime
URI: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#endedAtTime
The moment the Lifecycle Event ended.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range: Property: dct:title
URI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
The title of the Lifecycle Event.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range: Property: sec:signature
URI: https://w3id.org/security#signature
The title of the Lifecycle Event.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range: Property: sec:creator
URI: https://w3id.org/security#creator
The title of the Lifecycle Event.
- Subproperty of:
- In domain:
- In range:
6.3. Signing lifecycle events
Lifecycle events that belong to a single Artefact can be produced by different actors in the network.
While one can derive the actor who executed the event via the [[#property-executor|daen:executor
]] property,
it is also essential to derive who vouches for its existence.
This is done by signing the serialized Lifecycle Event and adding the who, what, and when of the digital signature.
Often, the actor who executes the event is the same as the one who sings it, although this is should not always be the case.
An event of type [[#type-lifecycle-event|daen:LifecycleEvent
]] SHOULD contain a [[#property-signature|sec:signature
]] property.
The signature MUST be typed as one of the classes in The Security Vocabulary § classes and MUST be a valid Linked Data Signature.
It MUST contain the property sec:creator
with the URI of the signing actor as value.
{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen/context.jsonld" , "@id" : "https://example.org/eventlog#1" , "@type" : "LifecycleEvent" , "title" : "Artefact was registered." , "startedAtTime" : "2011-07-14T01:01:01Z" , "endedAtTime" : "2011-07-14T02:02:02Z" , "artefact" : { "@id" : "https://example.org/artefacts/1" }, "executor" : { "@id" : "https://registar.org/" }, "generated" : { "@id" : "https://registar.org/registration/23813178" }, "signature" : { "@type" : "GraphSignature2012" , "creator" : "https://registar.org/" , "signatureValue" : "OGQzNGVkMzVm4NTIyZTkZDYMmMzQzNmExMgoYzI43Q3ODIyOWM32NjI=" } }
7. Discovering an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
An Artefact Lifecycle Event Log can be discovered with multiple methods:
Actors issue a request to any resource to retrieve the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log's URL from a link (§ 7.1 Discovery via link).
Actors use [shapetrees] description to pinpoint the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log's URL (§ 7.2 Discovery via Shape Trees)
how to pinpoint what resources can lead to such link? Who is hosting them?
Any artefact resource MUST support the first discovery method. They MAY support the additional [shapetrees] method. Actors MAY choose the order in which they try these discovery methods
7.1. Discovery via link
An actor MUST try at least one of the following:
make an HTTP HEAD or GET request on the target URL, and use the
header with arel
value ofhttp://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#eventLog
. -
make an HTTP GET request on the target URL to retrieve an RDF 1.1 representation, whose encoded RDF graph contains a relation of type
. The subject of that relation is the target and the object is the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. -
make an HTTP GET request on the target URL to retrieve an [html] representation, whose HTML body contains a link element with a
value ofhttp://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#eventLog
. The value of thehref
attribute is the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
An actor may be carried out in either order, but if the one fails to result in an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log the alternatives MUST be tried. A resource MAY advertise multiple Artefact Lifecycle Event Log resources, for example an artefact aiding in the discovery of its lifecycle distributed over the network. A Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MAY be used by multiple resources, for example using a single Artefact Lifecycle Event Log to collect the Lifecycle Events from all Artefacts in a data pod.
, any implementation linking an Event Log located at eventLogURI
through an in-body link MUST add the following data triple to the document body:
@prefix daen: <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#> . <https://example.org/artefacts/1> daen : eventLog <https://example.org/eventlog> .
, any implementation linking an Event Log located at eventLogURI
through an in-body link MUST add use a Link element in the HTML body as follows:
<!doctype html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < meta charset = "utf-8" > < title > A Basic HTML5 Template</ title > < link rel = 'http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#eventLog' href = 'https://example.org/eventlog' /> </ head > < body > ...</ body > </ html >
Link: <https://example.org/eventlog>; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/daen#eventLog".
get more specifics on the method below
Certain data formats may use an external resource to aggregate metadata and/or serve as an entry-point for multiple resources. The implementer MAY choose to aggregate the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log entities advertised by the aggregated resources in the aggregation resource, and advertise them from this resource. Alternatively, the implementer may choose to advertise a single Artefact Lifecycle Event Log instance from the aggregation resource for all aggregated resources.
Any implementation MAY support the discovery of an Event Log through an external resource.
In this case, the actor MUST make an HTTP HEAD or GET request on the target URL.
The actor must search in the response headers for a Link header with a rel
value of meta
and in the response body for a link element with a rel
value of meta
in the case of a [html] representation,
or for a data triple with a predicate value of rdf:seeAlso
in case of an RDF 1.1 encoding.
MUST be linked for all aggregated resources through EITHER an in-body link of the form:
in case of a HTML resource and< link rel = 'meta' href = '{aggregationResourceURI}' />
in case of an RDF encoding OR using a<resourceURI> rdf : seeAlso <aggregationResourceURI> .
header of the form:
Link: <aggregationResourceURI>; rel=meta
7.2. Discovery via Shape Trees
Any implementation MAY support the discovery of an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log through [shapetrees] defined in the data platform.In the Solid ecosystem, All created Artefact Lifecycle Event Log resources SHOULD be discoverable in the data pod through the pod’s Shape Tree. This enables actors in the network to efficiently aggregate all Lifecycle Event data in the data pod for which they have Read permissions.
// The Events folder contains EventLog containers <#Events> st:expectsType st:ShapeTreeContainer ; st:contains <#EventStream> ; // An Event Log is a container in the Solid ecosystem containing Event resources. <#EventStream> tree:expectsType st:ShapeTreeContainer ; st:contains <#Event> ; // An Event resource is Validated by a base Event shape <#Event> tree:expectsType st:ShapeTreeResource ; st:validatedBy <EventShape> ; <EventShape> { ... }
8. Appending Lifecycle Events
An actor can append Lifecycle Events by sending a POST
request to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
In case authorization is enabled for the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log, the actor MUST have append permissions to execute this action.
Before appending an event to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log, the client SHOULD try to discover if validation is enabled for the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. In case validation is enabled, the client SHOULD try to validate the event first on the client with the discovered validation link.
Any event that is successfully posted and validated MUST be added to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. The permissions for the event SHOULD per default be inherited from the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log permissions.
On a successful POST request, the event MUST be added on a URI eventURI and MUST be defined in the body of its Artefact Lifecycle Event Log with URI eventLogURI using an RDF triple of the form:
<eventLogURI> ldp:contains <eventURI> .
8.1. Pagination
A Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MAY make use of pagination. Any used pagination system MUST make sure that ALL events in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log can be retrieved by following the available next links. These links MUST be provided either as a Link header of the form:
Link: <nextPageLocation>; rel="next"or in the body of the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log / a retrieved page of the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log as a data triple:
<eventLogURI> hydra:next <nextPageLocation> .Any implementation MAY provide additional pagination support or filtering possibilities, and SHOULD advertise these using the appropriate mechanisms detailed by their specifications.
9. Consuming an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
An actor can consume a Artefact Lifecycle Event Log by sending a GET request.
On a successful GET request on the Event Log URI eventLogURI
, the actor can discover the URIs of the available events by processing the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log body for all data triples of the form:
<eventLogURI> ldp:contains <eventURI> .The consumer implementation MAY include alternate approaches to retrieving events from an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log, but MUST support this retrieval method.
9.1. Pagination
Any consumer implementation MUST support pagination through following advertised next links.
On a GET request to an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log / Artefact Lifecycle Event Log page on URI eventLogPageURI
with an Accept header of type text/turtle
, the consumer MUST process the server response for a Link header with a rel value of "next"
The response body MUST be processed to discover any data triples of the form:
<eventLogPageURI> hydra:next <nextPageLocation> .Any implementation MAY support additional advertised pagination or filtering approaches, but MUST support this approach for consuming a paginated Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
10. Authorization
Any platform implementing the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log mechanism MAY support authorization for the following aspects of the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log mechanism:
Reading access for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
Append access for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
Update permissions for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
Reading access for a specific event in an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
Update permissions for a specific event in an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
Any implementation of authorization for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST make use of Web Access Control (WAC). The discovery of the ACL document for a resource MUST be done according to the ACL spec. The setting of permissions for a resource happens by creating / updating the ACL file for that resource.
NOTE: Depending of the course of the Solid Project, this dependency on WAC may be updated to include newer approaches to authorization, as the goal is to maintain compatibility with the Solid Project.
10.1. Read authorization
Any actor with Read permissions set for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST be able to discover all Events in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log to which the actor has Read permissions. Any actor with Read permissions set for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log SHOULD automatically have read permission for all the stored events, UNLESS explicitly defined otherwise by the individual events. The implementation MAY restrict the actor from discovering events in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log for which the actor does not have Read permissions. Any actor without Read permissions for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log SHOULD NOT be able to discover the Event in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log, even if the actor has Read permissions for individual events in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
10.2. Append authorization
Any actor with Append permissions set for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST be able to append Events to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
Note: The implementation MAY decide to use EITHER acl:Write OR acl:Append as the permission to append events to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log, but the platform MUST support the use of POST operations on the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log for the chosen permission.
10.3. Update permissions authorization
Any actor with Update permissions set for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST be able to edit permissions for all actors for the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. Any actor with Update permissions set for an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MUST be able to edit permissions for all individual events in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log UNLESS explicitly defined otherwise by the individual events.
10.4. Event specific read authorization
Any actor with Read permissions set for an event MUST be able to read this event, and discover the event in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log in the case of Read permissions for the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.10.5. Event specific update permissions authorization
Any actor with Update permissions set for an event MUST be able edit permissions for all actors for this event.11. Validating an Artefact Lifecycle Event Log
Any implementation of the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log mechanism MAY add support for validating events that are appended to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log. In case an actor tries to append an event to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log that cannot be validated, the event MUST NOT be added to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log and an appropriate 4xx error code must be returned. The following sections define the different possibilities for providing a shape file, located atshapeFileLocation
, to which an event MUST validate before it can be added to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log.
If a shape file is advertised using any of the different methods described in the following sections, the server MUST validate all incoming requests to append an event to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log and MUST reject all requests for which the event fails this validation step.
11.1. Validation Link Header
A request to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MAY return the following Link header:
Link: <shapeFileLocation>; rel=http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedByIn this case, the server MUST validate all incoming requests to append an event to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log for the advertised shape file.
11.2. Validation in-body Link
The Artefact Lifecycle Event Log MAY provide the following links in the resource body:
<link rel='http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy' href='{shapeFileLocation}'/>in the case of an HTML resource, and
<eventLogURI> <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy> <shapeFileLocation>.
in case of an RDF resource. In this case, the server MUST validate all incoming requests to append an event to the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log for the advertised shape file. http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#constrainedBy
11.3. Shape Tree Validation
In a Solid environment, the shape file to which all events in the Artefact Lifecycle Event Log must validate MAY be advertised using a st:validatedBy link in the Shape Tree. In this case, the implementation SHOULD also advertise this shape file using EITHER a link header or an in-body link.
// An Artefact Lifecycle Event Log is a container in the Solid ecosystem containing Event resources. <#EventStream> tree:expectsType st:ShapeTreeContainer ; st:contains <#Event> ; // All event resources MUST validate for the advertised shape <#Event> tree:expectsType st:ShapeTreeResource ; st:validatedBy <shapeFileLocation> ;
12. Acknowledgement
We thank Herbert Van de Sompel, DANS + Ghent University, hvdsomp@gmail.com for the valuable input during this project.